
Showing posts from December, 2017

Post#48 11-12-17

Today in class we went over the exam. we had a sneak peak of the exam then we discussed the essay. This is the first time I am taking an exam so I hope I do well. I feel confident in human Geo. I am more scared about Religion. This blog is a little shorter because I need every minute of my time studying.

Post #47 11-11-17

Today in class we went over the exam. I feel well prepared for the exam, I have been studying over the weekend. Tomorrow is a day where we see all of our classes and meet our teachers for the exam review. This is the first time I am taking a exam so I think if I study I will be fine. Human Geo is the exam that I don't need to worry about. I feel good on the material so I hope I will do well.

Post #46 11-7-17

Today in class we had a sub........I got my notes together for the exam and got some home work done. It was nice having this time to get stuff done. I hope this happens more often. (We still Love you Mr. Schick) But I got a lot of stuff done and it really made my night clear up, because I didn't have to do so much homework.

Post #45 11-6-17

Today in class we went over the those pop quizzes. I was able to write down the write answers so I can study it for the exam. I started studying for the test on Monday so I hope I can get a good grade. I am feeling pretty good about the test and I hope I end up getting a good grade. I also need to study for exams. I never did take exams in middle school it will be a all new experience.

Post #44 11-5-17

Today in class we had a pop quiz. I Did very bad on the quiz and I hope I will get the opportunity to make it up. I need to start studying for the exam because I need to get a good grade. I feel good about this exam because I am actually understanding what we are learning. But the quiz just caught me off guard.

Post #43 12-1-17

Today in class we looked at chart. The chart was about countries and their statistics. We had a great discussion, then we finished and I did my home work. I did my blog and then my English home work