
Showing posts from May, 2018

Post #110 5-31-18

Today in class we took the test we wouldve of tooken today, and checked it to use has a study guide for ouir exam

Post #109 5-29-18

Today in class we took some notes

post #108 5-25-18

Today i was not in class due to going out of town for the holiday.

Post #107 5-24-18

Today we took a test in class. I spent alot of time studing the 3 powerpoints and going over my notes from the text book pages. I came in confident since i just got a 100 on a bio test and i new the material but it turned out i left the room unsure. I really hope this didnt put a dent in my grade to much. But if it turns out i did bad, that means i am going to just have to put in the time and effort to do good on the exams. Since this is my second time around i have a better understanding on how they work.

Post #106 5-22-18

Today in class we finished up the power point for our test on thursday. I have alot of tests this week so i am going to make sure i spend alot of time studying, since this is the last big grade before exams

Post #105 5-21-18

today in class we took more notes. We also talked about and are going through the slides in preparation for our test on Thursday.


Today we started section 4 and took some notes Many Germanic kingdoms that succeeded the Roman Empire were reunited under Charlemagne’s empire. Charlemagne spread Christian civilization throughout northern Europe, which is where some of (but not all of) us came from. This new society has roots in classical heritage of Rome beliefs of the Roman Catholic Church overrun the western half of the Roman Empire disruption of trade downfall of cities population shifts to rural areas we also finished off with page 373 1, 3-4-5

Post #103 5-16-18

Today in class we read took notes and answered the question on page 363 numbers 1, 3-4-5

Post #102 5-14-18

Today in class we went over the test. we went over the answers to correct them so we can study for our final exam. we also finished the class off with checking the work we had to complete on page 357 for 10 easy points.

Post #101 5-14-18

Today in class we took a test and read the book pages 353-357 and answer the questions on page 357 #1, 3-4-5

Post #100 5-10-18

Genantic Kingdom  The angles and theh saxons invaded bristian and the assimilated the native britos  Most of the ango-saxons were converted to Christianity in the seventh century  the most powerful germanic tribe was the franks  but the real power lay with the "Mayors of the palace" who were royol officials and the nobles themselves  Third version finished in 537, the cathedral of hagia sophia, justinian's cathedreal, was later a mosque and now is a museum. Using knowledge of the geometry of curves. It has a dome supported by arches high in the air that reamined for a model for both church- vuilders and mosque- builders for more than a thousand.

Post #99 5-9-18

Today in class we took more notes. Rise of Christianity  Jesus spends 3 years preaching, is killed by Roman leaders  Jesus' followers believed he is the Messiah and savior who has risen from the dead  Saul (the persecutor) becomes Paul (the evangelist) spreading Jesus' message.  AD 313 Constantine has a battlefield  The Roman Empire and Christianity are now linked in power and influence Rome has problems Food supply is dropping  AD 324- Constantine becomes emperor over both halves of the empire  Moves the capital from Rome to Byzantium (renamed Constantinople) where Asia met Europe (now turkey)

Post #98 5-8-18

While Christianity strengthens, Rome weakens  Military- Too weak to defend such a huge area  Economy-  Taxes to high, widening gap between rich and poor, trade disrupted  Social- who cares about public affairs? Disloyalty; population decreases  Political-  Division of the empire (constative moved the capital to Byzantium)   The last Roman emperor was in 476 (a 14-year-old boy named Romulus Augustulus 

Post #97 5-4-18

The appealed of Christianity Christianity grew because it: embraced all people  - Men and women - Enslaved people - The poor (and nobles) Gave hope to the powerless Appealed to those who were disqualified by imperial Rome's decadence offered a personal relationship with loving God. Promised eternal life after death 

Post#96 5-3-18

Today in class we took more notes

Post #95 5-2-18

Today May second, Mr. Schick was not there in class. We had a sub. During this time I studied for a spanish test i had later on in the day, So I used my time wisely. I also finished my homework so i wont have any when i get home. Today is a very nice day to go out side. I can't wait till sumer!