
Showing posts from April, 2018

Post #94 4-30-18

Today in class we took notes and got back our test from last Friday. Inflation - a drastic drop in the value of money coupled with a rise in prices Mercenaries- foreign soldiers who fought for money. Diocletian- A strong-willed army leader, became the new emperor. He ruled with an iron fist and severely limited personal freedoms. Constantinople-  the city of Constantine. After Constantine's death, the empire would again be divided, The east will survive; the west will fall Attila- In 444, they united for the first time under a power under a powerful chieftain named Attila.   

Post #93 4-27-18

Today in class we took a test. I feel like i did pretty good and it will be alot better grade than what i got in the past. I am glad i been puttuing more information in my blog, that also helped. I guess i should spoend 5 more minutes putting better notes in my blog to help me out for the bnect time.

Post #92 4-26-18

Today in class we reviewed all of the notes for our test tomorrow. We asked questions and gave answers. I feel like I can do good on this test and I need to get a good grade. Blogs a little short today...I have to spend time studying.

Post #91 4-24-18

Some accomplishments  Expanded the Roman empire further into Africa  he set up civil service to run the government/empire  Built a network of roads  collected taxes  established a postal service  built awesome public facilities  developed the police department  ran a firefighting organization  He finally died of natural causes.  Thus begins the age of emperors After Octavian's death, power was passed down to empowers  some were good, some were horrible, some appeared to be completely insane  Tiberius   ruled from AD 14 to AD 37  an excellent general, but a reluctant emperor after the death of his son, he exiled himself from Rome, Rome Rome, Rome and left his partner in charge  Died at 77  Caligula  Ruled from AD 37 to AD 41 (only 4 years)  won a power struggle after Tiberius death   

Post #90 4-23-18

Today in class we took more notes Ceasar's reforms  Granted citizenship to the people in provinces  Expanded the senate, adding his friends  created jobs for thehh poor especially through public works projects  Increased pay for the solders  started colonies where those without land could own property 

Post #89 4-18-18

That's Roman legion, clear as day 5,000 soldiers, not in it for pay (not yet) Group of eight's a century  an horseback is a cavalry  Sheild, sword, dagger and armor and tunic  Fighting Carthage in Wars that are Punic Rome vs Carthage Three Wars Two empires fighting for control  Fighting the first Punic war Who settled Rome  Etruscans came from north-central part of the peninsula metalworkers, artists, architects Who else settled Rome Greeks they had many colonies around the Mediterranean Sea Romans borrowed ideas from them, such as: religious beliefs alphabet much of their art military techniques and weaponry But who first settled there? the Latins! descendants of Indo-Europeans settled on the banks of the Tiber situated so trading ships - but not war fleets - could navigate as far as Rome, but no further a commercial port, but not susceptible to attack and... built on seven hills (esp. Pal They