
Showing posts from January, 2018

Post #59 1-31-18

Today on class we did a pop quiz. It was kinda hard just because the map kinda looked different then the one of the power point, but that is no excuses so it was my fault if I did poorly. Other than that part of the class, we ran through 2-3 power point slides. We talked about voting and ow we are a republic nation but we do use some part of democracy.

Post #58 1-29-18

Today in class we countinued our learning of the powerpoint. and we got a hint of a pop quiz coming. I have pretty good understanding of what we are learning. But the labeling of the maps will be pretty hard.

Post #57 1-25-18

Today is class we first started out in the power point. We went over everything that we have been learning over the week so we had a good understanding. The bad thing about this winding down to the end means there will probably be a test or pop quiz within a couple of classes. I feel like I have a good under standing on what we have been learning and I would walk into a pop quiz pretty prepared. Towards the end of class we started listening to the book of the Odyssey Book. We didn't quite finish we had about 5 minutes left. But the audio book was nice to listen too because it really helped my under standing.

Post #56 1-23-18

Today in class we continued our studies of Greece. We talked more about the culture land scape and reviewed some of the stuff we did in the past couple of days. One fun fact is that Greece people are very healthy. Their diet consists of a lot of fish since they live close to seas and rivers. They life style is all out doors and their day consists of a lot of outdoor stuff.

Post #55 1-22-18

Today in class we got a new seating chart I like where I sit because I am not in the back and I am not in the front. Second row is the best because you can see the board. We also continued our note taking on Pages 118-126. We then jumped into the power point. We talked about the parts of Greece and the people and society. It would be quicker to go by sea then go by land because of the big changes of elevation. We also talked about us the United Sates and how we can all come together has a country. For an example when 9/11 struck the US came and became one. Not all countries have that connection of the people.

Post #54 1-19-18

Notes from Pages 118- 126 The Sea- Shaped Greek civilization just as rivers shaped the ancient civilizations of Egypt. The Land - Rugged mountains covered about three-forths of Ancient Greece. Ran from northwest to southwest along the Balkan Peninsula. Mountains divided the land. Different regions THE CLIMATE The climate was third important environmental influence on Greek Civilization. Greece has a varied climate. Temps averaging 48 degrees. Tempos supported the cultures out door life style. This means they spent most of there time out doors. They held public issues, exchange news, and take an active part in civic life.  Mycenaean Civilization  Mycenaeans- The name came from their leading city located in southern Greece on a steep, Rocky, ridge. surrounded with a 20 ft thick wall Contact with Minoans  Mycenaean saw the value withe trading in the seaborne trade. Mycenaean traders soon sailed through out the eastern Mediterranean Trojan War  ...

Post #53 1-16-18

Today in class we made everyone connected to I know most of the kids in my class but it is nice seeing new faces. We then started taking notes in out text book and learning about was coming next.

Post #52 1-12-18

Today in class we took a test. The format of the test was easy. I wish I studied more of the simple information and had a good structure, instead of trying to remember all of the crazy facts that were not has important. I think I at least passed on the test, but it should not affect my semester grade overall since I did good on the exam and already have a good grade in the class.

Post #51 1-11-18

Today in class we finished up the google slide. In these Slides we talked about world leasers across the world. Its school being all the famous leaders and how they are different. Then we were thrown with something that we all dread. A TEST.....I am making this blog shorter today because I need to get studying.

Post #50 1-3-18

Today in class we went over a google slide. The slide was about the independent state. We went over each bullet point and shared our ideas. after that we were thrown with another project. We were given 16 countries and on a google slide and had to list a map, leaders name, type of government, title of the leader, and a official photo of the president. we had to find all of our information on the trustworthy

Post this #49 1-2-18

I was not in class today