Post #54 1-19-18

Notes from Pages 118- 126

The Sea- Shaped Greek civilization just as rivers shaped the ancient civilizations of Egypt.

The Land- Rugged mountains covered about three-forths of Ancient Greece. Ran from northwest to southwest along the Balkan Peninsula. Mountains divided the land. Different regions


The climate was third important environmental influence on Greek Civilization. Greece has a varied climate. Temps averaging 48 degrees. Tempos supported the cultures out door life style. This means they spent most of there time out doors. They held public issues, exchange news, and take an active part in civic life.

 Mycenaean Civilization 

Mycenaeans- The name came from their leading city located in southern Greece on a steep, Rocky, ridge. surrounded with a 20 ft thick wall

Contact with Minoans 

Mycenaean saw the value withe trading in the seaborne trade. Mycenaean traders soon sailed through out the eastern Mediterranean

Trojan War 

Mycenaeans fought a ten year war against Troy, an independent trading city located in Anatolia

According to tradition, a new group of people, the Dorians, moved onto war country side


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