Post #37 11-16-17

Today in class we finished up those group projects. I think everybody did a great job. But you can tell who put in the more work. I know I laughed today because the classes mood was just great. I think the projects gave me a better under standing of what we are learning. Hearing each project really made the information sink in from hearing it over and over. So all fun things come to an end with a test 😭. The test in my opinion won't be that hard. Honestly the teacher does a good enough job that you just have to pay attention and you will be fine. But a little looking over the night before won't hurt at all. The biggest thing I learned today is not to play on your computer while Mr. Schick is talking. The poor guy Dylan watched his grave being dug while Mr. Schick was filling out the behavior log, And once he pushed send, he just fell in that hole. And that kids, is why you should not play on your computer. Oh and Thank you Mr. Schick for sending us an email for the vocal words we need to know.


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