Post #13 9-25-17

Today is class we did some house keeping. Then we pulled out our world maps that we completed a couple of weeks ago. We went over the map answer by answer. Mr. Shick told us there could be a pop quiz on the labeling of the maps. Personally I need to look over something a lot to get a 100 on a test. So after I finish typing this I will be studying. After going over the maps we went over some more present problems that we are facing in our lives today. First off we looked at the size of North Korea. The size of the North Korea is very small. The news today is that the president of North Korea is  threatening us that they have nuclear weapons. We have Nuclear weapons but the cause a lot of destruction. The United States won WWII by using nuclear weapons and wiping out territories. Even though North Korea is on the other side of the world there weapons have improved and we are now in the range of them hitting us. Five years ago they would never be able to shoot a nuclear weapon such distance. But technology has improved a lot and this is things we have to be ready for.n


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