Post #68 2-21-18

Today we took some notes

Philosopherlapalooza- Socrates 

  • looked to science and logic (not mythical gods) for an explanation of how the world worked

  • The socratic method fostered critical thinking 

More of socrates 

  • The unexplained life is not worth living
  • Socrates with carved with serious crimes 
          - Impiety (disc discresponding the gods) 
          - Corrupting the youth of Athens 

  • At his trail he described himself as a stinging gradually and Athens as a lazy horse 
  • Found guilty by the Athen jury, and sentence to death, by drinking ham-lock (nasty way to go)  
Planto Carries On 

  • Plato was a student and follower of sacrates
  • he wrote out socrates teaching and described his trial in Apology 
  • Republic was socrates discussion of justice and the ideal state-one of the most influential books on philosophy ever written.  

  • Aristotle was a student of plato 
  • he helped foster then idea of Athens as an intellectual destination 
his school- The Lyceum- Focussed cooperative research- building on knowledge gathered from all over the world 

Did Aristotle invent the internet? 

  • Not exactly, but heh did dream of having then sum of man Kind's knowledge easily accessed on one location 

  • He wrote extensively on such topics
- Logic- Physics- biology 
-Ethics- politics- thetric
- Motion- Theatre- poetry 
- metaphysics- physchology- dreams....and on and on 

  • He also tutored Alexander the Great   


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