
Showing posts from September, 2017

Post #15 9-28-17

Today in class we carried on with are lesson. We started talking about situation. Situation in a place, relative from what's around it. To add onto situation we talked about people and nature. How we cut down trees and disturb the land. When hurricane Harvy hit Houston there was a lot of damage. The biggest damage that was down was flood damage. People would have to cut all the wet drywall out of their homes to prevent mold and bacteria. The reason of the flooding was so much rain in such a little  amount of time there isn't much grass to absorb all the water. And all of the man made drainage such flooded. With cities just building and building, the people to come up with better ways to control the elements Mother Nature throws at them

Post #14 9-27-17

Today in class we came in and had a pop quiz. It caught me a little off guard for a weds day morning first mod. After failing, I meant finishing the quiz we started a new lesson. Site and situation when the topic. Site refers to the character of a place. Such as the vegetation of the area, animals which live there, and the land around it. Such as if it is flat, hilly, or even possible streams and rivers. We then compared two places, I forget the city/ state. But one was super flat and the other one had some elevation changes. This is crazy just think how the earth is shaped and everyplace and unique characteristics.

Post #13 9-25-17

Today is class we did some house keeping. Then we pulled out our world maps that we completed a couple of weeks ago. We went over the map answer by answer. Mr. Shick told us there could be a pop quiz on the labeling of the maps. Personally I need to look over something a lot to get a 100 on a test. So after I finish typing this I will be studying. After going over the maps we went over some more present problems that we are facing in our lives today. First off we looked at the size of North Korea. The size of the North Korea is very small. The news today is that the president of North Korea is  threatening us that they have nuclear weapons. We have Nuclear weapons but the cause a lot of destruction. The United States won WWII by using nuclear weapons and wiping out territories. Even though North Korea is on the other side of the world there weapons have improved and we are now in the range of them hitting us. Five years ago they would never be able to shoot a nuclear weapon such di...

Post #12 9-21-17

The first thing we did in class today was review our home work. Some people were pretty close to the actual map and some people were pretty far off to the world map. Then we shared the routes we take to school. After that we continued our lesson and learned about the difference between a place and region. We took notes on this to be ready for our next quiz. We also discussed the places where which we live. I live on a 5 acre lot with a big yard and corn fields has my neighbor. Then some one might live in a development in Belair. This varies on location, cost, and space. We then ended class a little early cause we talked about what we needed to accomplish.  

Post #11 9-20-17

Today in class we came in and sat down, Took attendance, and said prayer. After that we got are first test back. Some of us rung the bell and some of did not. After that we went over some of the questions on the test. Then we went on to our next activity in the class. We took notes about the map in are trusty old note books. Then we were assigned to do two activities. The first one was to use your brain to draw the wold on the Map, and label what we know without using a map. It was kinda hard drawling where everything goes, but really hard trying to label everything. After that we had to draw are route that we take to school every morning. Some of us took the same route every morning, and some of us did not. We also had to label land marks and how we remember the route. such has stores, gas stations...etc. Most of us did not finish in class to we had to finish for home work.

Post #10 8-18-17

Monday the 18th, In class today came in and sat down. Mr. Shick told us he has been grading over 140 assignments last week and only got 4 1/2 hours of sleep last night. Mr. Shick graded papers so he could get caught up. He allowed us to work on class work on home work we needed to finish for other classes. I went to my locker and got my Spanish books. I worked on Spanish for a while. Spanish is some what challenging, Coming from a school with a weak Spanish program. I finished and went over the 5 pages I had to complete. After I got the work out of the way I looked at my grades and read some emails, like an adult would. As a result of finishing all of the work I needed to complete. I organized my one note. So it would be easy to find notes to study from. There was a bee flying around and Mr. shick was trying to get it to go out the window or in the hall way.

Post #8 9-12-17

Today in class we took a test. It was not a hard test but a test u had to study for. The short answers questions were simple and I felt pretty good about it.

Post #7 9-11-17

Today in class we went over all the tings we need for our test. We asked each other question and we had to answer.

Post #5 9-6-17

Today in class we continued our research of the, "message to Garcia." We learned vocab words like Agora- a public open space used for assemblies and markets. Mainly it is a spiritual and political meeting place. There is a stand where there is a free speech, where anyone can go up and express their opinion on something. Socrates was a smart person who did smart things. People loved him but not all. there was a Jury of 500 people. He was found guilty and he killed himself, every one was devistated.

Post #4 9/5/17

Today in class we talked about, "The message to Garcia." The Story was made for inspiration purposes. It was published in 1899. It was also later published as a pamphlet so the boss could hand copies to his employees.  It was translated to 37 languages. Every body loved the story is it was made into a whole 90 min film, not once but twice. The setting of the story is during the time of the Spanish -American War. The overall purpose was to inspire the employees of businesses to work harder and get the job done. Everybody knew of the, "message to Garcia" that it is used in the military.    

Post #3 9-1-17

From the story I just read about the man Rowan delivering the letter to Garcia is a story of being determined. From being in a time of war Rowan delivered the letter. Rowan was know for is hard working methods and for getting the job done. Rowan was given a letter who which he had sealed up for the delivering to Garcia from the president. The journey begun, Rowan traveled land and sea to finish is request. Rowan did not ask any questions, he did what he had to do to get the job done. Rowan is a man of his word and did not take no for an answer. Being a hard working man pays off.  To be thrive is the real work you have to love what you do for a living and make going to work every day a opportunity for something better                                                               Five point action plan       ...