Post #10 8-18-17

Monday the 18th, In class today came in and sat down. Mr. Shick told us he has been grading over 140 assignments last week and only got 4 1/2 hours of sleep last night. Mr. Shick graded papers so he could get caught up. He allowed us to work on class work on home work we needed to finish for other classes. I went to my locker and got my Spanish books. I worked on Spanish for a while. Spanish is some what challenging, Coming from a school with a weak Spanish program. I finished and went over the 5 pages I had to complete. After I got the work out of the way I looked at my grades and read some emails, like an adult would. As a result of finishing all of the work I needed to complete. I organized my one note. So it would be easy to find notes to study from. There was a bee flying around and Mr. shick was trying to get it to go out the window or in the hall way.


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