Post #11 9-20-17

Today in class we came in and sat down, Took attendance, and said prayer. After that we got are first test back. Some of us rung the bell and some of did not. After that we went over some of the questions on the test. Then we went on to our next activity in the class. We took notes about the map in are trusty old note books. Then we were assigned to do two activities. The first one was to use your brain to draw the wold on the Map, and label what we know without using a map. It was kinda hard drawling where everything goes, but really hard trying to label everything. After that we had to draw are route that we take to school every morning. Some of us took the same route every morning, and some of us did not. We also had to label land marks and how we remember the route. such has stores, gas stations...etc. Most of us did not finish in class to we had to finish for home work.


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