Post# 22 10-17-17

Today we started off class taking talking about, "thinking Globally, acting locally" I knew I heard that phrase before but when we were trying to describe. what it means, it just wouldn't come too mind. We discussed on this topic for little bit and coming up with good ideas. For an example, If each local community did a part then Globally it would all be done. An example that Mr. Shick said in class was most of the people in Harford County grow or buy local. This is because we have the land and the space to grow these types of food. In Chicago, almost everyone has to buy food from a grocery store because in the cities there are no where to grow food. Another topic we discussed was voting, Legally your not aloud to vote to the age of 18 but what if you could;d vote at the age of 16. Some people said it would be a good idea and some people disagreed. It would be a good idea cause we are well educated and all of the stuff of the government and how things work are fresh in are heads. And by the age of 16 most people can drive and have that freedom of a adult but your parents are still responsible for you. The negative impact of voting young would be your parents push there vote on you and you can't really have the free say you want.


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