Post #63 2-8-18

Setting the stage

During the dorian Period, Greek civilization experienced a decline. There were two things that changed things in Greece. First, Dorians and mycenaens began to identify less with the culture of there ancestors, and adapted more to the local area they are living in today. Second, By the end of this period they established a formal government.

Rules and order in greek City States

Polis- city states
Acropolis- fortified hill top
Monarchy- A king or queen that is a ruler, instead of a government
Aristocracy- a government ruled by a small group of noble, land owning families
Oligarchy- government ruled by a few powerful people
Tyrants- Wealthy people in charge

Athens Builds a Limited Democracy

Democracy- Rule by the people.

The idea of representative government also began to take root on some city- states, Partially Athens
Athens went through power struggles along the way,  between the rich and the poor.

Building Democracy

A noble man named Draco help make this possible. He developed a legal code based on the idea that all athenians, rich and poor, were to be made equal under law. More far-reaching democratic reforms were introduced by Solon, who came to power on 594 B.C. He broke the power of the nobility by organizing citizens to submit laws.

Athenian Education 

For the most part, only the sons of the wealthy families received formal education. school began around the age of seven for largely prepared boys to be good citizens. They studied reading, grammar, poetry, history, math, finally music.

Sparta builds 

Located in the Southern part of Greece known as the Peloponnesus, Sparta was nearly cut off from then rest of Greece


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